Pray for them

Pray for them. Pray for the children. Pray the precious souls who have been suffering will find comfort in the Lord. Who have been waiting in an orphanage for someone to save them. The children who don’t know what it’s like to feel loved or appreciated, or even wanted. Who have been forced to beg at car windows because their parents weren’t able to find work. The children who are starving, because they live alone, and have never known what it’s like to be healthy. Who are beaten, and abused, because their parents never wanted them. Pray that they will learn of God’s promise, his forgiveness, and his never ending love. Pray for the babies, who are unborn, but still suffering because their mothers are unhealthy. Who won’t be able to learn of God, because there’s no church in the streets that are dirty and unfit for an animal to live in, let alone a human. The babies who will be fed dirt, and not know that it is not nutritious, or beneficial to their growing bodies.

I pray that you will take this to heart, and you may notice some of these things, even in America. I hope that this encourages you to go and serve, just like my family is. Thank you.

2 replies
  1. Cherie Trousdale
    Cherie Trousdale says:

    Hi Jennifer,
    This is your great-aunt Cherie. Thank you for telling me specific ways that I can pray for the children of Uganda. I will also pray for you: courage, good health, patience, and joy as you let Jesus reach out to his precious ones through you. I am excited about hearing from you whenever you have time to post. Blessings and peace, Cherie

  2. Mike and Trellys Henley
    Mike and Trellys Henley says:

    Thank you Jennifer,
    That was a very good view of life in Uganda for many of it’s people. We are so proud of you for having a heart to serve and in encouraging others to do whatever they can also. It seems like you have matured five years or so since you left here.
    Love, Grammy and Papa


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