Back to School, Back to Jinja

On the way home from Jinja on Sunday, Joline, the kids, and I stopped for the once-per-semester Visitation Day at Henry’s school.  The program started at 9:00 a.m., but Henry advised us to come at 11:00.  Good thing he did because the parents’ gathering in the main auditorium went until 2:00 p.m.  As does virtually everything in Uganda, it started late (an hour).  After sitting through three hours of speeches and audience reactions, we were able to sit and talk with Henry.  (During one of the speeches, Joline went for a walk and ran into Henry’s physics teacher and had a good chat with him).

Henry is doing quite well and enjoying his classes.  Our dear friend Amy Batchelor has been following Henry’s plight since it began and had given Henry his first backpack when he started at the Restore Leadership Academy two years ago.  After Henry was admitted to this new school, Amy sent Henry a note – “New School means New Backpack.”  Amy arranged for us to get him one with all the bells and whistles, and then had us stuff it with treats.  He was thrilled. “Please tell her I am loving her,” he said with a characteristically big smile.

I will confess to not hearing God’s voice audibly, and too often I struggle to ascertain his will for me.  Yet I am beginning to discern a call I didn’t expect to get and am not quite sure how to respond.  It seems as if everywhere I turn in Uganda, I encounter American families in the process of trying to navigate the legal guardianship/adoption process.  I have no background or experience in this area, and this is not an area on which I intended to focus during my six months here.  I am thinking, however, that this is one of the surprises God has for me here.

Last November, I came to Uganda with Bob Goff for Henry’s graduation from his “O” levels.  The night we arrived in Kampala, Bob informed me that he was having an early breakfast with a couple who had encountered some difficulty with their legal guardianship proceedings, and he invited me to join them.  Characteristically, I chose sleep over meeting strangers with a legal problem I knew nothing about.  God had other plans.  I woke up earlier than I had hoped and couldn’t fall back asleep so I wandered down to the restaurant.  It was then that I met Sara and Andy Ribbens.  Hearing their story and seeing the desperation in their eyes “had me at hello.”  Over time, it became clear that the key players (on the Ugandan side) in this arena were all friends of mine from prior their visits to Pepperdine (several of them before they were appointed to their current posts).

Since then, the “coincidences” have piled up so much that I cannot help but see God’s hand moving me in the direction of getting further involved.  This is a very complicated and emotional issue.  There are lots of challenges, problems, and seemingly corrupt people involved in the international adoption process.  But there are also lots of children desperate for the care and protection of a loving family, and lots of families desperate to shower these children with love and care.  Time will tell how this all plays out, but for now, I am trying to discern God’s leading and trying to faithfully respond.  There are two cases I am currently trying to assist with, and the opportunities to help keep presenting themselves.

Today, I traveled to Jinja to visit an adult prison with some judges and had my eyes further opened to the opportunities to provide access to justice for those so desperately in need of it.  The judges with whom I work are committed to finding a way to expedite the trials, which will open the door to the next initiative I will be pushing them to adopt.  I hope to have more to report on this in a few weeks.

But while in Jinja, I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes holding one of the babies I am trying to help unite with the American family who has been granted legal guardianship over her.  Unfortunately, the US Embassy has issued a letter notifying the family of its intent to deny the visa.  The frustrating thing is that the Embassy is only doing its job by applying the visa laws as they are written.  The challenge stems from the underdeveloped nature of Uganda’s mental health laws which are making it a challenge to get the right ruling from the court – the child’s mother has been mentally incompetent since she was a child and has never even attempted to care for the child.  There is no father in the picture because mother cannot even communicate enough to explain the circumstances of conception, though rape is suspected.

So, please pray that I can be useful in this area, and please pray for the families who are hanging in limbo right now, especially for the children hoping to have a family.

I am looking forward to Bob’s return visit to Uganda this weekend, and to Hero’s triumphant return home to Uganda after five months of getting rebuilt in the US.  If you don’t know who Hero is or why he needed to get rebuilt, click here.

7 replies
  1. Amanda Schmitt
    Amanda Schmitt says:

    Dean Gash, I am so excited at this surprise calling God has for you! I love when the coincidences get to be more than coincidence! I’m staying at home with our little miracle now. Let me know if you need any research help or if there is anything I can do to help from CA. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Trinity
      Trinity says:

      Hi, I have an inquiry about your race tmreis. Our church is putting together a 5k in Mbarara and was wondering what regions you all covered. Mbarara is 4-5 hours from kampala depending on the speed of your vehicle. We have done races before, but this one is bigger (hopefully 200+ participants), will have the police blocking roads and leading pace car, but we need to have a sophisticated timer. June 25 (sat) 8am. Also what are your rates, would that include travel costs? Thanks!Harrison Jones, teacher, Mbarara

  2. Gary miller
    Gary miller says:

    A fundamental truism, there is no such thing as coincidence! It is so very inspiring to be an witness to its manifestation. No experience in that area, no worries because the opportunity would not be presented to you unless you had the toolbox to handle the task. Mind the Light my friend. Be well and our best to your family!

    • Jim
      Jim says:

      Thanks, Gary, for this encouragement. We are on the same page with “coincidences” — no such thing. I hope that when I open my toolbox, I find more than a hammer because right now, everything looks like a nail.

  3. Courtney Echols
    Courtney Echols says:

    Got to about “Please tell her I am loving her” and then lost it. We are in awe of the way God is working through all of you, every minute of every day. We love you all!


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