Our God is Able

Our God is Able has become one of my favorite songs since we came to Africa. It’s just so true, and I see it especially here. The healing power of our Lord is so amazing and quite frankly, unfathomable. For those of you who have been to Africa, you know what I’m talking about. The hope and strength that the widows find in the Lord is beautiful, and I wish everyone trusted the Lord with their life that much. It makes me tear just to think about how many lives God saves through the work of other people. In fact, I’m crying right now because it’s so hard to see how much these people go through, and yet they still have the strength to carry on. One part of that song that amazes me is:

God is with us

He will go before

He will never leave us

He will never leave us

God is for us

He has open arms

He will never fail us

He will never fail us

I love how the song repeats “He will never leave us” and “He will never fail us”. Because it is just SO true! God will NEVER leave us, and even when all hope seems lost, we just have to remember that he will never leave us or fail us. It’s important that those phrases are repeated because they help emphasize the fact that those are two important things that we should never forget.

At church this last week, I was just so excited when this song started playing. I wanted to jump and dance with the other Ugandans, but I also wanted to savor the time that the song was playing. Yes, I know I can just play it off You Tube, but You Tube doesn’t show all of the beautiful people looking happier than I ever knew a person could be, just to be worshipping God. For me, church in Uganda is… breathtaking. When the church is singing, everything else just melts away, and that moment of complete and utter joy is so humbling that I don’t even have words the describe it. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I think that Uganda has taken my heart. If only I didn’t ever have to leave…


3 replies
  1. Mike and Trellys Henley
    Mike and Trellys Henley says:

    My dear Jennifer, you bring tears to my eyes and gladness to my heart. You will never be the same, will you?

  2. Claudette Wilson
    Claudette Wilson says:

    Jennifer thank you for bringing this hymn or song to my attention. I will find it on Utube and memorize it at your suggestion because obviously it means a great deal to you and to the people of the church in Uganda where you worship. It appears we may lose you to the ministry there which would not be a bad thing at all. Perhaps we could work out a part time situation where you served us some and then served there some…how about that? Loving you and your servant heart, Claudette

  3. Kari Coppinger
    Kari Coppinger says:

    Just listened to this song on YouTube. No benefit of seeing the beautiful faces of your fellow worshipers but in my minds eye I see a beautiful picture of you worshiping and working alongside your family and alongside the Ugandans whom you are coming to know and love.

    Always, thank you for sharing. I look forward to each post and read it prayerfully.


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