Goffing Around in Uganda, Part II

Continuing on from yesterday . . .

When Bob Goff, the two pastors, Margaret (court registrar), and I walked into the warden’s office, it was clear that he remembered Bob, Margaret, and me from our visit in November.  I suspect that having a witch doctor give his life to Jesus while praying with a couple mzungus and a charismatic preacher woman is not an everyday occurrence for the warden in his office.

Before Kabe (the witch doctor) arrived, we talked with the warden about the prison conditions and learned that Kabe shared a cell with 106 other prisoners.  In trying to envision what this looked like, we asked where everyone slept.  The warden explained that there wasn’t room for beds, so the prisoners slept on the floor.  Most of them had small mattresses, but some of them slept directly on the floor.  After a few minutes, a guard walked Kabe into the warden’s office.

As before, Kabe was in the prison-issue bright yellow shorts and shirt.  But his demeanor was very different than last November.  He was much more confident and smiled when he saw Bob, who, of course, gave him a big hug.

“Thank you for coming back to see me,” Kabe said in pretty good (and loud) English.  He had spoken no English last time and had spoken just barely above a whisper.

“I told you I would, and I have been thinking and praying about you a lot.  How have you been?” Bob replied.

Kabe turned to Margaret and asked for her to interpret because he said it was easier to speak in his native language.  Kabe proceeded to explain that he has been doing much better since the prior visit when he “got saved.”  He says he thinks about home less often, and doesn’t get sad when he does.  He also reported that he has decided that if he ever gets out of prison, he wants to become an evangelist for Jesus.  He said that he has been talking to some of his fellow prisoners about his conversion.  Kabe also told us he was grateful for the money we had left with the warden to put on his account – he had purchased sugar, rice, and a few extra things.

Bob then presented Kabe with a Bible printed in his native language, though his English Bible was in his front shirt pocket and appeared to be getting quite a bit of use.

During the course of our thirty-minute visit with Kabe, we learned that his father was a witch doctor and Kabe took over his “practice” when he died.  Kabe said that earlier in his life, he had been Christian but had turned away.

It was so encouraging to see the palpable change in his life that his decision to follow Jesus had brought.  I will confess to having previously wondered whether his conversion would “stick” or whether it was a case of him doing what he thought we wanted him to do.  The pastors shared some scriptures with him and we had a big group prayer and exchanged lots of hugs.  At one point, Bob asked Kabe where he slept.

“On the floor.”

“On a mattress on the floor, or directly on the floor?”

“On the floor.  I have no mattress.”

Bob then turned to the warden.  “How can we get him a mattress?”

Within a few moments, Bob had arranged for the warden to get the mattress, and we left some additional money for more sugar and rice for Kabe.

“One more thing,” Bob said.  “Are the prisoners allowed to wear shoes?”

“Yes, if they have them,” replied the warden quizzically.

Bob sat down and instructed Kabe to do the same.  Bob then removed his dress shoes and put them on Kabe.  Perfect fit.  Kabe looked into Bob’s gleaming eyes through his own wet eyes and they hugged again.

Margaret then asked the warden if she could come back to preach the gospel to the prisoners.  The warden said that as long as he had advance notice, that would be fine.  How many of the prisoners would attend, asked Margaret.  All 732 of them, replied the warden.

One of the pastors with us loved the idea so much that he said that he would come back for it.  He asked Kabe if he might be interested in sharing his testimony with the other prisoners.  Kabe said that he would be happy to do so.  No date has been set, but there was some talk about this happening in May.  I definitely won’t miss this.

I couldn’t help but grin broadly as I walked out behind Bob who was walking a bit more gingerly in his black socks.

Out in the prison parking lot, Hero was waiting for us.  He had ridden with Margaret (with whom he is now living in Kampala), but didn’t have any idea where we were or with whom we were meeting.  He was every bit as playful and silly as ever, so it was good catching up with him.

Jim and Hero Outside the Maximum Security Prison

Earlier that morning, Hero had seen his mom and younger brother for the first time in five months.  Margaret tells us that it was a joyful reunion.  Later that afternoon, our group had lunch with nearly all of the judges who had previously visited Pepperdine (about ten of them).  In fact, it was the Chief Justice’s birthday so we all sang happy birthday to him and the restaurant owner presented him with a huge bouquet of roses.

The following day, the Gashes got up early and drove out to see Henry at his school for “Sports Day” – one of two days in the semester that we are allowed to visit him at the school.  It resembled an American version of “Field Day” with lots of races and tug-of-war contests among the various dorms/houses.  We enjoyed catching up with him and hearing how things are going – quite well.

Henry, Joshua, and Henry's Physics Teacher at Sports Day

Unfortunately, I had to miss the Goffing that took place on Saturday.  Bob rented a house, and then the big group split into several smaller groups and spent the better part of the day buying furniture and furnishings for the otherwise empty house.  By the end of the day, it was ready to provide a fresh start for more than a dozen former prostitutes that will be rescued over the course of the next couple of weeks.  Bob’s organization, Restore International, and a couple churches are partnering to provide for these vulnerable girls with a new life.

Needless to say, all of this has been quite inspiring.  But then again, time with Bob always is.

5 replies
  1. Carol
    Carol says:

    It must be amazing to be a Goffer. Thank you for your wonderful posts! They are testimony to the good that can be done, one starfish at a time. God bless!

  2. Claudette Wilson
    Claudette Wilson says:

    In this post you interacted with Kabe, the judges who have been at Pepperdine, your good son Henry, and Hero. John and I focus on one person a day who might need our help and you are touching many a day….yet you all are thriving. I have never seen Joshua look so healthy and handsome. Uganda is good for him. Our Wednesday Night Care Group remembers your family in prayer each time. Love, Claudette

  3. Kristin
    Kristin says:

    Where can I find out more about the Restore International? Super Interested in laws pertaining to rescued victims of trafficking. God Bless your work Dean Gash!


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  1. […] He was a changed man.  Exit witch doctor, enter Jesus follower.  I wrote about that encounter here.  At the end of that visit, Kabi declared that if he ever got out of prison, he wanted to be an […]

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